Warrior Cats Casting 1

Sarah for Bluestar

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kiyo!

Bluestar is the dedicated, and selfless leader of ThunderClan. Ready to make sacrifices that include herself or anything for the sake of her Clan. She fully believes in StarClan. Upon the prophecy Spottedleaf told her, she allowed Rusty to enter the clan and gave him his new name Firepaw.

  • (Praising, Reassuring, Calm) "We are lucky we, haven't lost any of our Warriors. You're a gifted Medicine Cat, Spotted'Leaf."

  • (Questioning, Confused) "Fire? But fire is feared by all the clans.! How can it save us?"

  • (Thinking, Reassuring) "You have never been wrong Spotted'Leaf. If StarClan has spoken then it must be. Fire will save our clan."

Warrior Cats Casting 1
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