NCRCF Inmates - A Fallout New Vegas Mod

Noah Bailey for Common Criminal Ghoul Male Voice Types (GHOUL ROLE)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Common Criminal Ghoul Male Voice Types (GHOUL ROLE)
Role assigned to: Noah Bailey SnowyCity PaleFreak

Common Criminal Ghoul Male Voice Type

These are the common criminals of the NCR. Arrested for various crimes, such as thievery, murder, cattle rustling, and more, they have been sent over to the Mojave on a "Work Release" Program that ultimately amounts to just slave labor. They are obviously unhappy with the status quo and will often gossip when spoken to by the Player, or otherwise just tell them off.

A gravelly voice is required!

Three Voices will be selected for this role!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • gravelly
  • What are you looking at?

  • What do you want, meat?

  • Yeah, what is it?

Noah Bailey
NCRCF Inmates - A Fallout New Vegas Mod
Cu na Saoirse
Cu na Saoirse

This made me laugh. Of course, I'll consider you! You did a great job before and I love working with repeat talent. In the interest of being fair, I'm gonna shortlist you for further consideration, however.

    Noah Bailey
    Noah Bailey

    Oh absolutely! I'm a simple man, I see ghoul role, I audition. Happy hunting!

Cu na Saoirse
Cu na Saoirse

To be honest, when I saw you auditioned for this project, I figured I'd reserve you a spot. You do great work, and it's great to work with you. So, congratulations! I'll be in touch in the group DM either today or tonight regarding orientation and other information!

    Noah Bailey
    Noah Bailey

    My man! Thank you for the kind words! Can't wait to get started. 😎

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