Warrior Cats Casting 1

SizeMCshaker for Lionheart

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: rogue114

Lionheart is one of Bluestar's most trusted warriors. He is patient, gentle cat who deeply loves his Clan. He mentors Graypaw and became deputy after Redtail. He is trusted to teach Firepaw the ways of the Clan and is deeply respected in ThunderClan.

  • (Praising) "He kept up well, despite his size. He's certainly strong for a kittypet."

  • (Stern Encouragement) "Longtail can smell your fear, Rusty. We all can. Show them your fear won't hold you back."

  • (Respectfully) "Bluestar, this is a kittypet. He should not be hunting in ThunderClan territory. Send him home to his twolegs!"

Warrior Cats Casting 1
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