Warrior Cats Casting 1

Taco_Catt for Tigerclaw

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: rogue114

Tigerclaw is a very respected warrior of ThunderClan, he is a cat with natural authority. He is quite fierce, stubborn, and of course filled with ambition. He will do anything to protect his Clan, along with his reputation in it. Other cats see him as a model warrior, as the whole entire Clan trusts him unconditionally. 

  • (Noble, Fierce) "He died with honor, struck down by Oakheart. I couldn't save Redtail, but I managed to take Oakheart's life."

  • (Sinister) "I think it's time we dealt with this rogue."

  • (Urgent, Authoritative) "Quick! Apprentices, search every den! Warriors, patrol the camp boundary!"

Warrior Cats Casting 1
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