Warrior Cats Casting 1

Marioluigiii for Graypaw

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: atlas :)

Graypaw is a boisterous cat apprentice of ThunderClan. He becomes Rusty/Firepaw's first and best friend when they meet. He loves having fun and is mainly a jokester, but of course most importantly is a dependable friend you can trust. He is always there when he's needed most. Graypaw is super passionate, easy-going, and proud to be a ThunderClan cat.

NOTE: I know Graypaw starts off as a teenager, and he will grow older through course of the series. You must please be able to demonstrate a younger and a more mature voice, as the series progresses.

  • (Excited) "Great fight, Firepaw! Especially for a kittypet! Longtail's a warrior, though he only finished his training two moons ago. You've hurt his pride and his good looks, that's for sure. He won't forget you in a hurry."

  • (Solemn) "When we die, we'll make the journey up there, to Silverpelt. Each star is a StarClan warrior. Redtail will be among them tonight."

  • (Proud, Lecturing) " you must have heard of the four warrior Clans that hunt around here! I belong to ThunderClan. The other Clans are always trying to steal prey from our territory, especially ShadowClan. They’re so fierce, they would have ripped you to shreds, no questions asked. It’s the job of ThunderClan warriors to keep them out of our territory. When I’ve finished my training, I’ll be so dangerous, they won’t dare come near us!"

Warrior Cats Casting 1


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