Sonic Ops Episode 6

Andia Soltanzadeh for Tikal the Echidna

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tikal the Echidna
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Role assigned to: HannahTheCat

Tikal is a spirit who passed away thousands of years ago. She is a pacifist who wants to help save the world from an upcoming invasion of evil echidnas who were once at war with her own tribe before they were wiped out by the God of Destruction.

She has a very mature outlook on life, wishing all fighting would cease so people can live together in harmony. In the series she reaches out to another Echidna named Shade with the intent of helping guide her in a moment of conflict. She is kind, hopeful and wishes the best for all. Her voice should exude loving energy and the wisdom of thousands of years (think Yoda but not as wrinkly).

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • animation
  • female adult
  • warm
  • kind
  • all english accents
  • supportive
  • Mature
  • (Calm) The fighting is over, harmony is restored and life goes on.

  • (Calm) This is the spirit realm. I brought you here because I sense a great turmoil within you. Why is this?

  • (Supportive) I understand your feelings. I once had to choose between serving my own people and doing what was right. It’s a burden no one person should suffer and yet, they so often do.

Andia Soltanzadeh
Sonic Ops Episode 6
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