Islandside Adventures Backup team wave 1
joel-the-swedish-dragon for Jebediah
Old and wise, Jebediah would love to help out other engines with their bigger jobs. But his chug "just ain't what it used to be!" And going over the steeper lines is too much for him these days. Despite this, he always works hard pulling the milk trains down the Branch Lines of Crotoonia, making sure the towns get fresh milk from the local farms in the morning. He can be rather tired in the morning, and tends to snore quite a bit in the Kahlville roundhouse! He loves a good chat with Old Puffer Pete and Toby, and loves to pass down his immense knowledge of Crotoonian lines, old and new, running and closed, to the younger engines. The VA you'll be backup for this role will be : Andrew Leago
Uhh, excuse me please?
Why, I'd love to. Yep, I'd love to, but uhh. But my chug just isn't what it used to be, and goin' over the mointain is too much for me these days. Sorry, but I just can't do it
I just couldn't do it, Tillie.