Tensei Slime Season 1 Fandub
Midnight Rabbit for Tear

Tear is a Majin and member of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, known as the Teardrop.
Tear is a childish and playful but also somber and sweet girl. Though the burden of her power placed an immense strain on her spirit that prevented her from maturing, she was by no means an unintelligent person during that period. She was more than capable of fooling others and constructing well-thought out plans to achieve her goals when needed. She absolutely hates being treated like a kid, often admonishing Laplace and Clayman for doing so.
"Monica Rial"
- female teen
- american
"Clayman, you're weaker than all of us, so don't do go doin' anything reckless on your own, got it?"
"There's no need for all those suspicious groans. I'm Tear! Don't worry, we're friendly clowns."
"I know! Laplace even warned him about this! Clayman has no one but himself to blame!"

Heyo, im Sebrina and my Discord is @sebrina.michaelis

Was there a fan on while you were recording? This was actually a really good audition but there is a lot of background noise

Oh yea sorry about that, there was a fan going on.

If it's not too much trouble, would you be able to redo the audition without the fan in the background?

Sure thing, once I'm home I'll rerecord it

Posted the new one