Tensei Slime Season 1 Fandub
GallantActor for Yuuki Kagurazaka
Yuuki Kagurazaka is a Japanese otherwolder summoned into this world and the one who made the Free Guild into what it is today. He serves the role of a deuteragonist for most of the series.
Yuuki is, at his core, a compassionate and caring person who wants to do everything in his power to help other people. His ideology is that of freedom and he hates people and things that restrict the freedom of others in any way. After the death of his parents, he vowed to change the unfair world that caused him and others suffering unnecessarily. He has a naive and childish goal of world peace, wanting to create a world where he and his friends can laugh and have as much fun as they want.
"Clifford Chapin"
- male teen
- american
"Thank you for waiting! Nice to meet you, I'm the Grand Master here. Yuuki Kaguraza...ka..."
"You're probably wondering why I even brought Hinata up to start with. I just want you to know there's a difference between Otherworlders like you, me, and Hinata, who came here by accident and those five students. Because they're Summons."
"Hey, your name's Clayman, right? Come on, there's no need for such threats. I'll have you know I'm here by invitation."