Looking for a Rath - Fe7
Chase Pilon for Rath

As a result of his banishment in the early years of his life, Rath developed a taciturn, withdrawn personality, preferring to keep to his own devices instead of interacting with others. This continues well into his eventual entry into the civilizations that exist beyond Sacae, where his skills as a mercenary are lauded, yet he is not known for being warm and ready to mingle.
Rath is not completely devoid of emotions, however, as exemplified through his interactions with Lyn. Although his interactions with her may appear to be mostly unfeeling and lacking in genuine warmth, subtle hints point towards the feelings that he harbors, yet represses, for her. His re-appearance in Chapter 21E/22H, for one, sees Rath taking the initiative to offer aid to Lyn without being prompted, and to top this off, he also does not ask for any form of payment in return for his services.
Looking for someone to hit he's particular aloof vibe without going over the top
- male young adult
"I am Rath of the Kutolah, son of Dayan, the Silver Wolf. My life and limb are devoted to my people." - impassioned while remaining stoic
"Pay me no mind. I've been fighting alone, out of formation, since I was young. I find it easier at this point." - an almost forlorn but still quite measured response
"If you’ve no business with me, I’m leaving." - someone is beating around the bush and not caring for pleasantries you are leaving