Yellow Target (Comic Dub)
KailmaVO for Carpenter
Character description: Carpenter is a Cold, abrasive and shrewd man who drowns himself in his work as the Ajet Games tech specialist. He doesn't like many people usually, but loathes the contestants with a fiery passion. He is also a sugar addict and is usually seen munching on something sweet.
Voice description: Belittling
Voice range: Low to Medium
Voice reference: Byakuya-
( Doesn't have to be exact, try to put your own spin on it)
- male young adult
(Relieved) Ahhhhh, Sweet sugar (eating noise)
(Threatening) Y’know, we higher ups like you all a lot more when you don’t have a presence, but are still useful to us; Like a house spider.
(Furious) People like you two, don’t ever deserve the right to speak of my worth! Not ever........Ahaha, I’ll show you who’s the one with only a shred of worth, it’s the one with their brains not blown out on the fucking pavement!