LDV Casting : Game Project
Chris Roust for The bad Doctor ( Antagonist, male role )
the client says, improvise, but don't make the character into a Cartoonesque character. He is bad, but he doesn't think so, actually, he is bad, because he is too much about business, profit is more important than ethics, respect, and empathy but also he wants to be effective in the name of progress.
He is NOT dr Cortex from Crash Bandicoot, but not Dr hannibal Lecter either.
Show me what you can do with these infos.
- english
- all english accents
- video game
- male adult
- male senior
*Say something you think would fit*
acting, pretty good ! voice, great ! it's the sound, the natural room echo. As the project is for a big studio, we cannot go on sound that is not broadcast quality. I'm sure you can understand. Although, here is a tiptheatre Curtains, you can buy those on Thomann, the music gear website, the heavier, the better, and make a voice booth with it, you won't have a boxiness effect with it and you won't have to lose all your money on it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to give such helpful feedback!
sorry I 've had to came back to your audition. Mr Roust, Please, work the sound of the room so we can work together, this is excellent material ! only the Quality of the sound is missing, just this ! you are good Mister !! YES INDEED !