Green Arrow: Blood & Stone
Rei-Sensei for Gina McKenna - recast
The deputy commissioner of Star City, Oliver Queen's former girlfriend and now partner in crime in his mission to save the city. A real tough lady who's not afraid to speak her mind.
I did love being in the SCPD...don’t get me wrong, I love helping people and I love fighting back against the people who like to put a hurt on the innocent. But this...this isn’t helping anyone. It’s just bureaucracy wasting time trying to keep a status quo that doesn’t really exist anymore.
He’ll get what you need and when he does, he’ll let you know. (gets in his face) But let me make something clear to you, Mr. Chase, if you ever go through my things won’t have to worry about an arrow coming for you.
Chase is just a glorified desk jockey with a savior complex. You go out every night and take down the bad guys. Chase doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he doesn’t see the good you do. (pause) Before you put on that hood, there were so many people scared to come forward when they were wronged. Do you not see how drastically that has changed with how hard we’ve been working to lock up these assholes?