Kirby The Meme Man: A Garry's Mod Machinima Series
William Savage for Joe Jenkins

Joe Jenkins is the best friend and right-hand man to Kirby Meme (The protagonist of this series), He usually has a cocky attitude and always has something joyful to say.
For Joe's voice, I'm looking for someone with a Cocky sounding American accent, something similar to Kazushi Miyamoto from Persona 3 Reload.
Also, Joe has several alter-egos such as Solid Mush and The Batbloke, for the voice of his alter-egos, I would want something like Robert Pattinson's Batman.
- english
- funny
- Cocky
- american
- adult
- male adult
Chloe, I think you need a reminder of what's living quite comfortably up my ass!
Well, we have a New Third Member and Mr Saturn has his best friend back, today was a pretty good day after all!
(In the Batman voice) You're right, I can't kill you...My own morals and the law stand in the way of me doing so...but that doesn't mean I can't give you a good beating instead!

Hello! So sorry for the late reply I was busy all day yesterday, but I really like the voice!, but would you mind re-doing the voice but with a little bit of a higher tone? and could you maybe make it sound more American? thanks.

I will and can. I just did the voice that way because the description specifically says a "semi-deep British accent". I can change it for sure.

Oh I apologise about the British part, when the project first started I wanted Joe to sound British, but I later switched to wanting him to sound American, I guess I forgot to edit that part out, my apologies.

I submitted a new audition file. I didn't see how to add it or change it from the original here, so I've submitted another audition with the new file.