Oculynx X9 - Final Fantasy IX Voice Mod (Main Cast) - Still Seeking Regent Cid, Ruby, and Zidane (Lead Role)
hamidk1989 for Blank

Blank is a temporary player character in Final Fantasy IX. He is one of the members from Tantalus, and thus a Thief. He is Marcus's best friend, Marcus often calling him "Bro".
Blank is a young man with auburn hair and pale skin. He has unusual scars across his body where he's been seemingly patched up with darker skin tones, most notably over the left side of his face. Blank's red hair is spiked with a thick leather belt acting as a headband, which also covers the upper half of his face. He wears little clothing, with brown briefs, leather gloves with a fur trim, black boots, large leather belts around his torso and another slung across his body as a weapon holster, and a brown knee-pad on his right knee.
Blank is the brains of Tantalus. He is close to the other members, especially Marcus, his best friend. He's competitive towards Zidane and considers himself a "ladies' man". He is kind and quick to help out a person in need, selflessly rushing to rescue those in trouble, and patrolling the streets of Alexandria to make sure they are safe.
Vocal Tone:
For Blank, we need a mix of mystery and leadership. Your voice should carry authority and confidence, showing that Blank is a born leader, someone others naturally follow. At the same time, maintain a layer of secrecy and loyalty in your tone.
- video game
- male young adult
- videogame
(Snapping at Zidane): Why don't you get your mind off girls for a second? This is the medicine I gave to that black mage and the knight. It's sort of like a seed remover.
(Conniving): Fie! It shall be war again unless this marriage is stopped. Ne'er will I let their plan come to fruition." [He walks out from his hiding spot.] "Good day to ye, Highness.
I'll distract the audience from backstage with these little buggers. I can't stand oglops... But I'll manage, so don't worry about me. And that'll be your cue, Zidane!