Voice Actresses for YouTube content
Faux Synder for Voice Actress
The prompts below are each for a different type of character, so your performance should be different for each line and should match the character type.
- female teen
- female senior
- english (american)
- female child
- female adult
- female young adult
- english (california sterotype)
- english (posh)
(Young teenage girl into punk rock) You actually got tickets?! Yes, this is gonna be so awesome! I've gotta sneak my guitar in and get each member of the band to sign it. Ahhhhhh, I'm so excited!
(Stern business woman) Pull up the earnings report for last month. You see that? That right there? That's a dip in profits. That means you are clearly not doing your job and the company is paying for it! Pack up your belongings, you're fired.
(A sly and cunning female warrior) You summoned me my lord? Yes, the knights managed to push our forces back to the forest, but we were able to steal the grail before the battle was lost. As you wish, my master.