ABA's Newest Mayors - An Original Animatic Project
Amber Alle for Pazola

Meet Pazola - The child prodigy with the special ability of bringing objects to life with paint!
She's one of the newly elected mayors for Art Block Avenue. She may be sometimes clumsy and curious around her surroundings, but she knows how to bring some fun to a party!
Bio: A novice magician with the ability to bring things to life through the passion of her painting skills, Pazola is a curious and stubborn little girl with an imaginative mind! Born with a rare condition of seeing colors being mixed around all over the place, she went to go study at a special magic academy to learn how to revert this condition. Along the way, she happened to approach a painting course, of which her annoyance towards her condition became a blessing in disguise, of which she decided to combine both hobbies of magic and art, together as one! Her enthusiasm brings the soul into her paintings as she greatly appreciates all the smallest details in her works, even if they're not that significant. She wishes to help everyone paint out their imagination and help bring them to life with glee and cheer!
Accent: It can be of any accent in English, just as long as it sounds childlike and feminine.
- english
- female child
- female teen
- cute
- Cutesy
- funny
- Childish
- Joyful
"Hiya! My name is Pazola! It's so, so, sooooo nice to meet you! Oh, sorry! I get way to excited when I meet new people! Let's get on with the show, shall we?"
"Whenever I start painting with my giant fingies, my cute little drawings start to move on their own! How cool is that huh?!"
"With me being your mayor, it's always going to be a super duper fun time! Say, do you happen to have any spare crayons around? It's not like I'm going to eat any of them, even if they look pretty good haha..."