Into The Mystery (Fallout76 Film)

Benjamin Grahovic for Frederick Rivers

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Frederick Rivers
cast offsite

A secondary character. Husband to Shannon Rivers (The Mistress of Mystery), father to Olivia Rivers.A kind and loving man who is also a genius engineer and designer of the Order of Mysteries' Lair. He is also tech support for the Order of Mysteries. He communicates mainly through holotapes that the main character finds.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american - well spoken - nodiscernible accent
  • fatherly
  • 50s
  • 60s
  • Amiable
  • kind
  • male adult
  • warm
  • caring
  • Frederick Rivers, Production Log, #194. Been a busy week. Janet and I finally got the new Fabricator all wired up. Should've done this years ago. Briana was our first guinea pig, uh, I mean, user. Her blade turned out fine, but her Phantom Device had a bit of a valve leak. Had to clear the lab until we could vent the gas. Nasty stuff. Janet really deserves most of the credit. It's a slick system, and networking it into Cryptos will save us a lot of bookkeeping. Beyond that? Usual mix. Shannon wants a recording device for her next mission. Isabella's gun prototype needed some work. Oh, and Eve has me working on some new programs for the Hall of Trials - have to keep the girls on their toes. They certainly keep me on mine.

Benjamin Grahovic
Into The Mystery (Fallout76 Film)
Benjamin Grahovic

I forgot to add it to the description but I can always redo this.

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