Genshin Impact & Other Fandubs part 4

Meta for Guy Brighton [Wizardess Heart]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Guy Brighton [Wizardess Heart]
cast offsite

Likes: Catching up with friends

Dislikes: Studying

Hobby: Playing Sports

Skills: Ladilz (a magical ball game in Gedonelune)

Guy came to the academy to learn light magic in hopes of taking down his father, who turned towards hatred due to lust of power from dark magic. After coming to the academy, he learns quite a bit and becomes a very talented light magic wizard. Guy reveals to have been holding back his magical powers, in fear that he will end up like his father if he became too powerful.

Most of the time, Guy appears cheerful and carefree, often laughing off mistakes and faking his magic in fear of getting better, but as the route progresses, he is shown to be more serious when it comes to keeping people safe. He is quite easy-going and protective of the people he cares about, and tends to give compliments without much of a thought or hesitation. This can be seen when he shamelessly calls the protagonist "cute" on multiple occasions. 

Voice: Mid-high, carefree, possibly also friendly and outgoing. Example #1Example #2

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male young adult
  • american
  • (Complimenting the MC, happy, slightly in awe) *Laughs* Aren't you adorable?

  • (Angry, hurt, defensive) I will NEVER be like you!

  • (Calm, slightly motivated, possibly loving) You make me stronger. I need to fight for our sake.

Genshin Impact & Other Fandubs part 4

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