The Last Gladiator (paid project)
CamBam for Abel McPhereson
Accent: West Coast American
Word Count: 969
Style: Cool guy, unless his ego's been bruised, then he's insecure
McPhereson is a scientist, posing as a scientist. His day job is a nuclear engineer at a nuclear power plant. But due to some youthful indiscretions, and a very sharp mind for physics, he's on call for occasional duty to one of the most secret government agencies. He tracks anomalies. mysterious objects, unusual phenomena. But as it turns, anomalies can be rather boring, and he regularly daydreams about being Bruce Willis and having a real adventure for once in his life.
- english
- male adult
- american (west coast)
Petrus asks, Do you kow how to fly?) Not really. But I’m a quick learner. Now listen up. If we don’t make it, that doesn’t matter. What matters is, you can’t let Butoli get your ship. No matter what. You understand?
(Marcy, a fellow scientist who nearly got them killed, tells him they have a problem, but he misunderstands) I know, I know. But we’re trying to work through it, right? You try to shoot me. You nearly kill the pilot. We almost crash. You say you’re sorry. And I know, down to my bones, I really shouldn't believe you. But what the hell. Every relationship has issues, right?