All Thy Sons Command | *Female only cast* South Park animation style comedy movie
Vn_aiis for Stephanie Mandamin
Stephanie Mandamin is the Chief water commissioner of the Anishinabek indigenous nation of Canada. She is a passionate indigenous woman who is willing to fight tooth and nail for her tribe. (lines used in the audition are not taken from the movie but are indictive of the character) (only one take for each line is required. any additional takes will be seen as unnecessary and ignored) (improvisation is permitted but only one improv line is allowed and must come at the end of your tape. Provided lines must be used and auditions that do not include them will be disregarded)
- english
- female adult
- canadian
- american
- conviction
- french
- passion
Prime Minister, I want you to answer my question.
You're a cunt.
Thank you for auditioning. I am very impressed with the performances that you've given. There's actually a character I forgot to add to the casting call which I've just added today. Her name is "Maryse Pute" and you can find her as the last character at the bottom of the casting call. Would you be interested in auditioning for her too?
Oh thanks, okay I can try to !