Return of Demons

Kitsune for Asami Uchiha (FEM VA)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Asami Uchiha (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
cast offsite

She is a generally nice girl, and has a powerful spirit. She likes to be inventful, so she created her own breathing technique, called "Dove Breathing". She is mature, for only being sixteen years old, and raised herself in this cruel enviorment. She does fangirl at times (normally ends up a stuttering mess).

(Payment is $1.50 per line).

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • loud
  • Medium-High (not too high)
  • "Dove breathing, 9th form, Open Your Wings!" [softer at first, then yell at the end]

  • [monotone/dull] "You...stupid...fucker. You took my family. You took the people I cared about."

Return of Demons
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