Smiling Critters: The Animated Show

emkendy for CatNap

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Louis Buchanan

CatNap ensures he and his friends always have the right amount of sleep to jumpstart the morning's play! End of the day, there's nothing CatNap enjoys more than watching his friends sleep soundly. While most of the time he is a calming presence for the critters but sometimes he can cause a bit of trouble and chaos as he gets too confident or curious!

For the second line please either add some sass or some judgment. Maybe even add in a check or two! Act as if he has been saying this the entire time to the rest of the critters!

For the voice just don't go too far or wacky, other than that have fun!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
Other info:
  • voice acting
  • voice acting singing
  • Hi there, I'm Catnap! Don't you love watching the stars?

  • Guys! Ghost aren't real! You're all just a bunch of scaredy cats!

  • *Sing something that you think would fit!*

Smiling Critters: The Animated Show

Hello there. I’m director Rafael from the project “Lucas and the smiling critters”. I must admit you’re voice of catnap is really good. Are you in my project?

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