The Rise Of Jonathan Siegefred, Famed Director
TheSkylerDrake for Johnathan
Johnathan is the main character of The Rise Of Jonathan Siegefred, he’s shown at first trying to audition for DayDreams Animation and now he’s ready to fight off any foe that stands in his way!
He’s Caucasian.
John a movie director and runs an indie animation company called Seaside Studios. He’s seen giving an interview and giving his portfolio to Lauren, the CEO of DayDreams. He’s then talking to his father who’s on vacation, cooking himself some dinner, getting ready for his big day, and driving all the way too DayDreams while signing up to the company’s app. In addition to giving the company a special treat that he won at a grocery store.
That’s when John felt suspicious. Nobody was there, he spotted a spider, and suddenly an earthquake hit.
But it wasn’t no ordinary earthquake, the building was surrounded by nothing but giant cobwebs! John must find a way to stop this odd madness and save someone who’s in danger.
Here’s a sample voice that I found on the internet that should give you an idea on what I want him to sound like.
(Also yes, if you’re not happy with the sample of voice shown here you can try and give him or her a voice you think will suit the character. However I’ll be judging and deciding whether if that voice will be chosen or not.)
(Side Note : You must have a clean quality audio, so if you’re audio has some glitches, odd noises, muffled, or anything to make it less enjoyable then I won’t be acceptable)
- english
- male young adult
(Neutral) - “Hello, my name is Johnathan Lucas Siegefried. But you can call me John Seas. I’m an independent filmmaker from Los Angeles and my dreams are to dominate Hollywood with my movies by Seaside Studios, a company I’ve created myself.”
(Tired) - “What a day…”
(Shocked) - “Okay what she said there is literally from my script, so this must be true! She took my script and made it into a reality, where you and I are the heros and she wants to see if we’re worthy and noble enough to work with the most powerful company known to mankind!”