Blood And Ashes // MAIN CASTING
Gwyn Aerohart for Nathaniel Rafael // Secondary Protagonist
Nathaniel Rafael, honestly, I forgot about him. Anyways, my friend Nathaniel, Rafael, Raf-man!- Nathan! He's real introverted and doesn't appreciate the paranormal like I do. Nevertheless, he's a kind hearted guy, a little sassy, and apparently joined....ugh....the police force to run from his past actions. That's what he told me anyways. He should uh- get out more, sleep,stop being as hard on himself, and uh- have a little fun!
-Reese Young
VOICE DESCRIPTION: Nathaniel has a low-pitched voice that is monotonous and lacks emotion.
- english
- male young adult
- Scious
- Low
- male teen
- Monotonous
- animation/character
Could you um...hurry up? I don't really have time for this.(Annoyed)
How could you? I will avenge him and make your stupid crap go down! (Angry,emotional)
Nathaniel? Rafael? Yeah, that's me. I guess- (introductory, apathetic)