RWBY: Evermorrow | Call For Nora & Ren
AkustaPop for Lie Ren
Voice Actor
Lie Ren
Secondary role. Ren is the calm, quiet member of Team JNPR. He is mellow and often serious, though not unfriendly.
Hardware/software requirements: recording software of your choice; higher quality microphone the better.
- english
Voice description:
- male teen
- animation/character
Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.
I'm just saying what nobody else wants to. We're in way over our heads. Ruby is barely more than a kid, I'm just an orphan from the middle of nowhere- [Ren, I-] And you cheated your way into Beacon!
You know I've... never... been really good with talking.
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