Minecraft Doctor Who: Ella Thorne
Jess for Ella Thorne
After meeting during the Axon incursion at UNIT, Ella Thorne jumps onboard the Tardis with the Doctor. Ella is a plucky, quick witted young woman who gives the Doctor a run for his money. Wise cracking, compassionate and fun, but she carries the weight of her brother's loss on her shoulders. The mystery consumes her at times, masked by her banter, but that doesn't hold her back from being the strong and courage person she is within that
- english
- british (london)
- female young adult
- south london
- adult
- animation/character
Oh ya sure, careful with the precious time machine, that you hit with a hammer
This isn’t a dream. I’m not stupid. I know what a dream feels like. Is someone mucking about or what?!
It’s just that people tell you it gets easier overtime, but I dunno, the longer you are without them, just reminds you about all the time you’ve lost. I’m sure you know that better than anyone