Them's Fightin' Herds story mode fandub
WhiteChocolate for Velvet
One of the main characters. Bio is quoted from
Velvet enjoys premiere status as a member of Reine City‘s ruling elite, the peak of modern civilization at the center of the world, high in the frozen north. She is the daughter of Jarl Stronghoof Hoofstrong, whose family line has been passed down his family line for generations.
No deer in Reine is Velvet’s equal in the practice of Winter Magic, in form nor in function. She is perfection personified, supremacy symbolized. Those who dare challenge her will be left with nothing but a cold shoulder.
A grand tournament was held in Reine City to determine who was most fit to answer the Council’s call and become Foenum’s Champion. Velvet trounced all opposition without so much as breaking a sweat. Haven’t heard the news? Well, you’re forgiven for now. Can’t rightly blame someone for living under a rock. You’ll see… soon enough.
Quoted from the fan wiki:
Velvet is a narcissistic type of character, being completely full of herself and putting her looks and floof over other things. If it wasn't for the big ego, one would say she's the definition of perfection. She won't hesitate to throw sharp and rude comments, and often thinks lower of others. However, she's willing to contribute herself as the champion to save Foenum, because she believes it takes only the best one to do so.
Being one of the primary roles in a mostly unpaid fandub project, Velvet's VA will be paid a flat rate of $50. Do your best to sound just like Tia Lynn Ballard! Here's a video to help:
- english
- female young adult
- scandinavian
- voice match
Saving ze world never looked so good!
Lucky you! You get to be defeated by me!
[angry] I hold you accountable for any damage done to my floof!