Soul Ripple
Gracelynn for Rose (Voice Actor)
An insightful caring young woman in her early 20s.
Very selfless, often putting others' needs above her own.
Very observant
Hides her true feelings a lot of the times
Likes Anagrams
- english
- visualnovel
- female adult
- audacity
(Thinking) We need to come up with a team name… Something that encapsulates all of us. (Excited) I got it! Mr. Bold Scarf! It’s an anagram of the first letter of everyone’s names. It’s perfect!
Listen, I don’t know if we can all get out of here alive, but I’m going to do what it takes to get as many of us out as I can. You’re one of the ones I want to live, so you can’t give up now.
Objection! You’ve been shifting the blame on others this whole time almost like you’re trying to hide something. You’ve been hiding your arm behind your back, there are pieces of glass hidden under the carpet, not to mention the red droplets on the ground. I got this all figured out… You broke the glass lamp and tried to hide it, but you cut your arm in the process! This is the truth of what happened!