Encounters of the Mojave - The Fort
Rhys for Caravaneer

Caraveneers are people who run caravans across the Wasteland, bringing goods and trade to various settlements and backwaters.
This Caravaneer is a fequent trader with the Legion at The Fort, and is known amongst them for having the best deals. When a Recruit Decanus comes to check on him, the Caravaneer teases him about it.
- english
- male adult
Hey there, Revinius. Yep, I'm back again.
Boring, more like. You lot sure do keep those roads quiet.
I will admit that. I'm proud to be under you guy's protection. Say, my brahmin is in the main camp. Want to see what I've procured?

Yeah, the problem persists. I can have you send the file to henry_of_skalitz. But be warned, I'm making final decisions on a lot of these auditions tonight so this role may not be available when you re-audition for it.

Yeah I'm too late unfortuantely