ZERO ESCAPE: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Fandub (Main Cast)
June Powers for The Ninth Man
Hey yeah, so guess what number participant this guy is in the Nonary Game. A frightened older man with hair like a bird's nest, this fidgety, stuttering individual has an aura of suspicion about him. He doesn't even have a codename!
For voice reference, the Zero Escape: The Nonary Games trailer could serve (since I couldn't find any isolated voice lines, I apologize) as inspiration, although unique takes are very much welcome!
(NOTE: This guy doesn't have very many lines, so if you don't know anything about this game, I'll let you take a guess as to what happens to him.)
- english
- funny
- stutter
- Crazed
- male adult
- Frightened
(Frightened shriek)
(In response to a query about what his numbered bracelet is) I-I-Isn't it o-obvious? There are 9 people here...A-A-and you know who numbers 1 through 8 are...I-I'm the only one left...!
(Unhinged and amused, yet still shaky) O-O-Okay...have a good one, guys. I'm going off ahead now. Well then...good-bye.