Mallow (Animated Series)
Bree Frankel for Lenore
Lenore is one of the main four characters. She is an angel fallen to Earth, The goal for her voice is to sound like someone who is getting used to the language, tones, nuance, and just anything that goes into human communication. Inexperienced voice actors may be more appropriate for this role as I would like her speech to improve over the course of the show.
While she is not completely emotionless, I'm open to working to find a voice that fits her.
The goal is a three season animated series, followed by one full-length film.
The pay for this role is open to discussion; paid per line is the flat rate.
- english
- female young adult
- Stiff
- Broken english
- audacity
Is this what it means to be human? Crying over a pile of rubble...
I am Lenore, and this is Rodney. You can stay here in the spare room.
What is it about her, Asher? Do you have feelings for her?
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I haven't received anything yet! You may have missed the period at the end of my user and sent the request to a "vagabondo" - the request should go to "vagabondo." instead! I look forward to hearing from you!
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