Them's Fightin' Herds story mode fandub
WhiteChocolate for Ribbon
Ribbon is a zebra foal who appears in Story Mode's Prologue. Ribbon makes her appearance at the Foenum Council of Ungulates. As Council Chief Anga announces the start of the discussion, she lets Ribbon speak. The foal tells her story of encountering a small pack of wolves. When she was chased down and cornered, the wolves demanded she take them to the Prophet's Key. But the dawn came just in time, blasting the predators with morning light and turning them into smoke. Just as they were disintegrating, they warned her of the predators' return.
- english
- female child
- young
- female teen
[Anga: Do not be frightened, small one. Tell us what you saw.] Yes, ma'am. You see, I was back home in The Savanna, just before dawn. I woke up early that morning when I felt a firefly tickle my nose. I chased it through the tall grass. Just, you know... playin' around...
Anyway, it took me all the way to the watering hole... and that's when I saw them! Big, mean looking creatures. Black as night, but you could see through them! Like... ghosts! [the council gasps] That's what I said! They were like nothing I've seen before! They were four-legged... but their hooves were strange -- soft and round with little points sticking out. The hair of their coats were long and thick and shaggy, almost like a bison... They spoke to one another. Their voices were low and scratchy... like they had eaten thorns. I tried, but I couldn't understand. And then... then...
One lifted its head, sniffed the air with his pointed nose. I was hidden in the grass -- I know I was, but... That's when they all whipped around and stared straight at me! The biggest one croaked out... "GRASS EATER"!!! [the council gasps again] That's what I said! ...That's not a bad word, is it? Am I allowed to say that?
This is a unique take on Ribbon's voice I haven't heard before, and I like it!