Tales of Shady Grove: Book One - Casting Call #1

Willow for Evelyn Min-Ji

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Evelyn Min-Ji
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: ocie

Evelyn - German "Avi", possibly meaning "desired", from her father's side

Min-Ji - Korean, meaning "quick, clever, sharp, wisdom, intellect", from her mother's side

Evelyn is 8-years-old, and has long blonde hair that falls to her mid-back. She keeps it somewhat straight, although occasional tangling is, as you know, inevitable. She has green eyes, and wears conservative clothing. Her favorite outfit during winter might be a black long-sleeve sweater covered with a puffy jacket with fur in the hood, and jeans or some other pants and boots or tennis shoes.

Losing her mother about a year ago to a stroke at the age of 38, Evelyn has dealt with a rough hand in life recently. To better understand her circumstances as well as mother's death, she has turned to reading constantly as a coping mechanism. She has also distanced herself from friends, as she feels them to be dismissive and not understanding of what she's dealing with.

Through her reading, however, she has come to understand her mother's death better as well as a number of other topics. Her books are now like best friends to her, as she's received comfort from the knowledge and occasional escape they bring. Her relationship with her father is suffering currently as he has become somewhat reclusive and has resorted to drinking to cope with his wife's death. He often works graveyard shifts at the local mill, and it doesn't help the situation. She has to walk to school or take the bus. The situation does have its positive consequences, though, safe to say. She's become more independent, and is now comfortable doing things like cleaning, cooking, and helping around the house, which previously were unnecessary for her. This isn't to say her mother was ever a housewife; she was most certainly not. But as of late...her father has begun declining in terms of picking up responsibilities he used to share.

Currently, her goals are to crack the mystery of who is terrorizing the small town of Melania, and help her father become more at ease with the pain of his loss and be able to move forward.

Since this is a role created for a potential minor, laws and regulations on earning income from projects will apply and may void any ability for the actor to be paid for their time. Please keep this in mind when auditioning. We will review regulations and laws on a case by case basis.


  • Resourceful

  • Intelligent

  • Brave

  • Independent


  • Disassociates from others

  • Enabling to her father

  • Untrusting

  • english
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • female child
  • north american
  • asian american
  • (aggressively inquisitive) "Why are you looking for a book on monsters?"

  • (thinking, recalling)“Well..first I heard a scream…it was a man…but he was terrified. My dad was working, he’s a shift manager over at the mill, so I went to check if the man needed help but there was nobody there. The street was empty, like nothing had ever happened. I went back inside, and that’s when I thought about the 'kidnappings.’”

  • “Yes, there’s been four now over the last few months. Before that..nothing..ever. Now, four in three months and all of them were from homes neighboring these woods..until last night. That means IF it's one killer, they decided to go further in for their last victim than usual.. they’re getting cocky.”

Tales of Shady Grove: Book One - Casting Call #1

Totally Spaced!! My discord is honeyblood_x. 

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