Tales of Shady Grove: Book One - Casting Call #1

Tyler for The Keeper

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Keeper
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: It's Rick

The Keeper is a wondrous, wise old owl who lives in the Great Tree of Shady Grove. He is its protector, and by duty the protector of many secrets which are harnessed by the power of the Great Tree. He speaks great English but simply can't help his "hooo"s from time to time, especially when excited.

As old age determinedly takes its toll, our favorite owl has taken to a small cane made from an ornate piece of carved wood, and is always seen wearing a pair of large round-rimmed glasses perched near the edge of its pointed beak.

The Keeper is quite old and growing a bit weary and so I'd like his voice to accommodate for this.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english (british)
  • wise
  • male adult
  • irish
  • warm
  • general north american english
  • north american
  • any
  • audiobook
  • You must be Parker. Quite the little adventurer I must say, hooo.

  • (laughing) Hoo-hoo.. well I believe introductions are in order…I am the Keeper, and this is my faithful companion Beedle.

  • Hooo, yes. The night took some twists and turns, did it not? And yet…here we are once again. Never before have we had the need to bring in an ‘Outsider' to resolve an issue. But…hooo… there hasn’t been the need until now.. Something has taken Shady Grove. Something terrible. I'm afraid the bridge between our worlds may be at stake.

Tales of Shady Grove: Book One - Casting Call #1
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