Mallow (Animated Series)
Merryday365 for Tulip
Tulip is the younger sister of Dandelion, she is on the cult council, And she has a different vision for what the cult should be doing. She's a witch, and wants to allow magic to be available to everyone. She is more of a sassy teenager type.
The goal is a three season animated series, Tulip is a lesser role.
The pay for this role is open to discussion; paid per line is the flat rate.
- female young adult
- audacity
Dandelion treats me like a child. She'll never let me lead the council.
I don't want to hurt you, but my sister will destroy this world if I don't do something.
We don't allow scum like you here!
I'm interested in hearing if you can deepen your voice just a bit for this role, closer to the tone in the Lenore audition.
Oh if you're interested of course I can surely try!