Soak for a bloke
Richard Gibson for Cynical deadbeat dad - THICK SCOTTISH ACCENT

Lead voice-over role in the short film - Soak for a Bloke. You will be playing the titular role of Bloke - he is a very satirical, very Scottish look at the mundanity of domestic life. Bloke is pessimistic, well-past-his-prime, and most importantly - fed up. If he wasn't so lazy, he'd maybe even consider doing something about it. But in the meantime... a nice soak in the bath will do. Oh... and a drink.
- english
- male adult
- scottish (glaswegian)
- generic scottish
- film
Birds hate taws. Always have. It's the one thing they all agree on. How fucking... unattractive they are. So why stress? - make an issue over it. Naw... These could be the prettiest taws in all o' Scotland. She's still just gonna tell me to put ma socks back on.
It's been so long since I had a good soak. So... looooong. Prolly get screamed about it tomorrow. Fucking energy meter... Charley wanted a bath, that's what I'll say. She never does but... she did tonight. So just shut up about it already. It's my day off and I'm gonna sit here and prune.
Christ. I really am zen. My whole body's gone numb. Must be all the cheap shite she keeps buying. I mean really? Who has the energy? For that? Even in a fancy glass I'm no picking that up. I am thirsty though...