Final Fantasy 6 Fandub
MaconayyVA for Kefka Palazzo
Kefka is the antagonist of the game. He cares nothing about anyone or anything but himself and he finds no greater joy in life than in inflicting suffering and death unto others. He has no long-reaching goal for his destructive actions, destruction itself is the goal. He manipulates the emotions of others and will readily lie without hesitation, but his purpose for doing this is again usually nothing but his own amusement in tormenting them. Kefka's need to inflict suffering drives him to continuously greater heights to satiate his urges, culminating with the ruination of the entire world and the deaths of countless creatures.
- english
- male adult
- male young adult
- any
"Phooey! Emperor Gesthal's stupid orders! Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of a stinking desert?!? These recon jobs are the pits! ...AHEM! There's SAND on my boots!"
"Hee-hee-hee! But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost?"
"Oh, Edgar... You know you only stand to lose from trying to hide her from us! Hee-hee-hee... I truly hope nothing happens to your precious Figaro!"