Worlds Between - Indie Game
Richard Gibson for Intro Scene - Voice Actor
Hello thank you for checking out our gig. Our team is currently developing a cooperative puzzle game revolving around split timelines, and self reflection.
At the start of our game there is a short phone call from one of the players friends. This phone call is what initiates the events of the story. For this gig we will simply need a 100 word, 500~ character dialog that will be used as this phone call.
This character is a long time friend of the player. They have grown up together and now are facing life. The player has recently been very overwhelmed with work often spending countless hours in the office. During this call the friend should seem warm, but slightly concerned for the players well being. We are very open to you running with this however best fits your abilities. A script will be provided but any improve is welcome.
- english
- male young adult
- female young adult
- male adult
- female adult
- all accents
- video game
Dude! Why are you still cooped up in that box they call an office?
Come on, life's too short to be drowning in spreadsheets and data.
Let’s make some memories. See you soon, workaholic!