Shattered Souls - Supporting Cast
Richard Gibson for Rajani - Boisterous Older King
Rajani is a minor supporting character that appears in a few routes. He's an older king, but doesn't sound feeble or weak. His voice belts out and easily overpowers those around him. The term "You could hear him from a mile away" applies to this man on a day to day basis.
Rajani is usually easy going, charismatic and fun-loving. He's jolly but can be extremely intimidating when needed.
Hahaha! What a joyous day! May Marris bless these fates and make them fruitful for the heart and the kingdoms.
My boy, you’ve never wished to test your fate. Has she captured your interest?
It is blatantly obvious that Marris just blessed your unions! Yet now you are saying that you refuse? (Angry, but not yelling)

You are invited to the final round of auditions for this character. If interested, please join our Discord for information on the final round.

Hey Richard, we sent you a DM on Discord.