Pokemon Insurgence comic dub ( FEMALE voices needed!)
SocksoftheArk for Eevora ( EE-VORA) the Shiny Eevee

Voice Actor
Eevora ( EE-VORA) the Shiny Eevee
Role assigned to:
Allana Victoria Blood
Eevora is Nora's pokemon starter. She is very smart and likes to keep Nora focused whenever she gets off track r off-topic. Eevora will do what it takes to help protect Nora during battle.
- english
Voice description:
- female young adult
- female adult
( cheeful tone) Hi! My name is Eevora( EE-VORA)! So you must be the other human that can understand pokemon! That's so cool!
( worried tone) Nora, maybe we should go a different path? That other path seems rather dangerous.
Ok pretty good. But now lets see how you handle my quick attack!

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