My Amazing Woman, S03E04
Peter for Chris Princeton (8-Ball and Ace)

This role only is in the bonus episode for S03E04, however, it recurs in S03E06, the My Amazing Woman Movie, and either S04E09 or S05E01 (possibly both). The pay listed here is for S03E06. You will be paid separately for the movie (and S04E09 or S05E01 cameos). The main character is 8-Ball, however in S03E06, you will also play an alternate reality version of the character called Ace. 8-Ball has various billiard balls in his weapons belt, equipped with different gimmicks, like sleep gas, a flash-bang, a quick stick glue, etc. (Think the arrows of Green Arrow or Hawkeye). Likewise, Ace has similarly gimmicked playing cards.
Both versions of Chris were college athletes who were disgraced by gambling scandal and were cajoled by their uncle (an Air Force colonel) into becoming a superhero (as well as agent for the government). Chris has some of that frat boy energy, although he is a little more mature than that. Chris is an engineer who works for and with Doctor Calculus.
- english
- male adult
- american
Well, Amazing Woman is amazing, as usual, and Snowy Owl makes a good leader. Her gimmicks are almost as good as mine. But I’m not sure why Undine is on our team, though. I mean, water-powers; what good are those?
Undine feels the whole universe is held together by some sort of cosmic fabric. So, to solve the world’s problems I guess we should just take it to the mystic dry cleaners.
I’m just glad for the help. I’d even take the Red Rubber Ball at this point.