Once Upon a Time in 1999
Richard Gibson for Peter Peekaboo

As cuddly as he is disturbing, Peter Peekaboo is an animatronic rabbit under Superbee's command and the first boss fight of OUAT99.
Equipped with a colour dial that corresponds to various weaponry at his disposal, Peter is a sweetly-spoken rhyming psychopath that may or may not harbour the desire to whack young children with a hilariously large mallet. Peter is not a self-aware know-it-all like Superbee but instead a subservient one-track mind set out to do his bidding. Albeit, with a smile.
If you're voicing Superbee, it's highly recommended to give this homicidal hare a go, and to do so with a somewhat creepy variation.
- english
- male young adult
- male teen
- male child
- creature
- american
- cartoonish
- Happy-go-lucky
- creepy
- Sinister
- threatening
- Squeaky
- positive
"Peekaboo brings an important message! Hours this late are for Santa, sex and the dead. Superbee says, ‘please go back to bed.’ If this hare wasn’t fair, he’d have other tricks to dare. One Peter Peekaboo commands, you will go back to bed."
[Choking Junior] "Enough of your trickery! We’ve reached now the periphery. Throw down your staff or you’ll find my grip is not one too slippery. The staff, the power, throw it all down. O’ Queen of the Playground, relinquish your crown."
[Mocking Gdvia] "Aw, sweet chickadee realised the power of love only extended her misery. Is this the part where a rainbow bursts from your chest and destroys all that is corrupt? Take this lesson, dearie, as overdue as it is… Grow up."