Once Upon a Wasteland Season 3
MattWorden for Sheriff John Stone [43/M]
Born and raised in Gralsburg, John Stone has seen the city through its highs and lows. Climbing the ranks from a young deputy to the revered Sheriff, his dedication to Gralsburg's safety and order has never wavered. Over the years, he's faced countless challenges, from petty crimes to the greater conspiracies surrounding the city's artifacts.
John is a man of few words but great integrity. He's pragmatic, often choosing the path of logic and evidence over impulse. While stern and no-nonsense in his professional role, those close to him know a softer side, marked by a dry sense of humor and a deep sense of loyalty.
- english
- male adult
This is going to get out, Louisa. I'm surprised Elias isn't banging on your door already. We need to get in front of it so we can protect her... and protect *you*.
I posted extra guards at the Veil, just to be safe. But we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary before or after she... appeared. Whatever's going on, well, it's got me stumped.