Dragon's Heart: Before the Rebirth
Richard Gibson for Yuxuan Cheng (Main Character / Love Interest)

A rich inventor.
In the wake of the Tragedy of Tianho, Yuxuan channeled his talents and intellect into crafting gadgets and devices. His ingenuity and the practicality of his gadgets have brought him considerable wealth and success, which he uses to find the rebuilding on one of the small villages in Tianho.
Has a crush on Dorian, which inevitably led him to tracking him down and inviting him to visit his family and kids.
- male young adult
Talking on the phone (Yuxuan is on the phone, agitated at his subordinates) - (Interrupting, determined) But nothing! Risks are inherent in any endeavor, but we've mitigated them to the best of our abilities. We owe it to ourselves and to Ena to move forward... Of course, of course. Yes. Ms. Jane, please prepare a detailed plan to be submitted at the end of your shift. Got it? … Overtime? But you’re in the night shift and it’s barely the end of the afternoon… You have plenty of time. Ugh. Okay fine, approved. But you better have the plan prepared or, I swear in the name of the Prosperity dragon, I’m gonna have to replace you! I mean it! No, I really mean-
Interacting with Dorian (Yuxuan panics when Dorian touches him.) As I placed my hand on Yuxuan's shoulder, his cheeks flushed a deep crimson. Yuxuan: ...?! Dorian: We’re going to be fine. Calm yourself down. Yuxuan: *Surprised* Ah. Um... Hehe okay. T-Thank you Dorian. I… Well- I appreciate your support. You always know how to calm… um…. My nerves. Dorian: Yu, are you okay? You seem flustered. Yuxuan: I-I'm... I'm f-fine, Dorian. J-just a bit... uh... surprised by everything, that's all.
Rivalry with Niko (Yuxuan has a heated rivalry with Niko) - Well at least the god that I worship isn’t a cold blooded killer… Lizard boy?! HOW DARE YOU! The Prosperity Dragon isn’t a lizard! You asked for it! Argh! Yah!