The Haunted Casino: Fallout New Vegas Mod
jwpizza25 for Shane (Ghost Hunter)
Shane is a ghost hunter along with his friend, Ryan. A brave, fearless soul who delves into the abandoned haunted locations of the wasteland while his (slightly cowardly) friend Ryan stays outside. He doesn't really fear ghosts at all, despite their reputation. Whether that's a wise choice or not is up for debate, but it's worked well for him so far. Shane is calm and goofy, and whenever Ryan is too scared to go on, he's always there to crack a joke to lighten the mood. Even if a ghost is standing at the end of the hall staring at them.
In part of the mod, the player discovers a holotape left behind by Shane after he was grievously wounded. He thinks he's about to die and is relaying important instructions to whoever finds it, as well as one last message to his friend Ryan.
This role has a small number of lines, 8 in total, but will require a significant level of acting to get across the emotions during those lines.
(Note: Voice Direction is included in {Curly Brackets} and should not be read out loud.)
- english
- male adult
- video game
- american
- american (west coast)
- californian
- mod
- Fallout
- Fallout New Vegas
- horror
If you're listening to this, then either you are Ryan or you're someone Ryan sent in to find me. Either way, you need to listen.
Didn't die to a ghost though, Ryan, heh heh... Just by a possessed maniac with a gun. Doesn't...{cough} count.
And Ryan... if you're hearing this... you're not a coward, buddy. You're the bravest person... I ever met. Goodbye.