Touhou Fan Animation: The Silence of the Maiden's Sorrow
RachTheCool for Eirin Yagokoro
Eirin is known as the "Brain of the Moon" and is the head doctor of Eientei. She's highly intelligent, but because of that she tends to act condescending and belittling to others who aren't up to her speed. She's somewhat of a mentor to Reisen, similarly to Kasen with Reimu, however Eirin rarely shows anger and relies more on stern silence to stop an argument before it starts.
Outside of her interactions with her apprentices, Eirin is rather jolly when it comes to those who are on her level, such as with her princess Kaguya or the upper circle of Gensokyo's big shots (The Yakumos, Remilia, etc.).
- english
- Stern
- female adult
- Aloof
- calm
(In a 'boys will be boys' tone to Kaguya) "Oh, what are we going to do with you two~"
(Secretive, solemn) "Listen, there’s a lot of things you don’t know currently about this situation, and if you did, then you would understand.”
(Happy, hanging with her friends) "Haa... I’d never miss this for all the jewels on the Earth and Moon.”