New Girls for Crush Crush - Looking for Anime Game Actresses
kelseypoppen for Honey

Once a zany 1990s sitcom cutie, the credits have rolled on that season of Honey's life... but she hasn't stayed stuck in reruns of her past. A few decades later, she's had good times and bad, raised up and sent two kids out into the world, and is ready for new adventures as a single mom in the prime of her life... like maybe a romantic plot where she reunites with an old fling?
Voice direction: Early forties former valley girl, she's still energetic and vivacious, but with a drop of vulnerability from having lived through life's ups and downs and wondering if the best of her life is behind her. Think Drew Barrymore on her talk show: bubbly, genuine, enthusiastic, a little wistful sometimes but determined to be optimistic and kind.
- english
- warm
- youthful
- Bubbly
- female adult
- motherly
- fun
- american
Shh, listen! If you pay close attention, when you kiss me you can almost hear the chorus of people yelling "Awwww!" Now, let's try for an "OOoooOOOoooooOOOH!"
What's the first thing you'd do if we magically switched bodies? I know what I'd do, but it's Too Hot for TV so I can't really say...
I don't know if my writers room is on strike, or they went out for coffees, or what, but I've run out of witty one-liners! So... Um... Come over here and screw me! Please.