Tsumeronpa:CE Open Roles

Turgize VA for 223- Ultimate Talent Unknown

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
223- Ultimate Talent Unknown
cast offsite

223 is mysterious but still kind, acting a little like a mentor to others. They do not reveal much about themself but still try to help the group.

Their voice should be mid pitched.

Their name is pronounced "two-two-three"

  • english
Voice description:
  • Androgynous young adult
  • (Curious) "A locked room, hm? So many possibilities of what could be inside...I can't wait to get it open"

  • (Defensive) "I don't appreciate these questions, and I'd like you to leave me alone. I don't want this getting violent"

  • (Casual) "My name is 223, and my talent? Well...you'll have to wait a little to find that one out"

Turgize VA
Tsumeronpa:CE Open Roles
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