NEW ROLE NEEDED- Sophia for Honor Bound Book Adaptation To Audiodrama
SophiSaph2 for Voice Actor- Clara
Clara is John's twin sister. Both John and Clara need to have a light Japanese accent (although their dad was Scottish so if you can figure out how to mesh a Japanese and Scottish accent somehow more points to you lol) John and Clara can speak mind to mind, feel each other's moods and send objects back and forth to each other. Clara is the calmer of the two, she's often the one able to center the two of them when things get out of control. John and Clara are successful fashion models who have also put together this group of people to rescue kids with abilities from being sold on the black market. They are the leaders of the group. Voice actors for this role need to be able to convey both confidence, fear of failure, anger and compassion.
- english
- Mature
- alto range
- female young adult
- Warm confident
- japanese
- japanese american
“If she couldn't call us when she almost killed Mark what do you think would have happened?” Clara countered, “You know damn well. She would have run away or killed herself because of guilt. Have you forgotten all the times we had to put a suicide watch on Min-Ji?”
“We are not the ones that turn Dani into a monster,
“No, you're supposed to learn from it and try to move on. Shit happens, John. Shit that you can't control, you control what you can and view the rest as a learning experience. Cesco is fine, Dani will work through her issues just like Min-Ji did. Who knows? A year from now she may be back with her family. We have work to do and we can't do it if you get stuck in this spiral.”